To all wishing to attend teleconference events offered by The Lotus Organization & Lovestream Programs:

Please call in to our line about five minutes early. If you arrive late you might affect the recording. Use the five minutes for meditation and settling in preparation for the service or program.

Calling-in instructions:

The number to call if you are in the USA is (717) 908-1834. (To call from other countries see the phone list below, call the number, then continue with the following instructions).

A mechanical voice will ask you to enter the access code, which is  773599  followed by the # sign.  If, for some reason, you have trouble connecting, dial the backup number (520) 420-9016. You will then be prompted to enter the aforementioned conference call number and access code. Do NOT enter "1" prior to entering the (717) number. Announce yourself by name if you wish, and others may say hello in return. If you are not early, please be silent. Whenever you are not speaking, please mute your phone. The important thing is to come ready to learn, requesting inwardly to receive teaching. The leader of the meeting will arrive at the designated start time, introduce themselves and address those in attendance.

Although events are over the phone, they are live. Please listen, absorb and apply the teachings the best you can.

Most mobile and all landline phones will be able to access The Lotus meetings. It is believed, however, that some low-cost mobile plans may not allow the calling of this number. You might want to test the number in advance of the class to make sure your phone is compatible. If you are testing your phone for the first time and it doesn't work, try at least one more time. You may have misdialed or put in the code too quickly.

The phone number has the area code (717) which is assigned to the State of Pennsylvania in the United States of America. Your phone company will charge whatever is in your contract fee to call that location. The Lotus Organization receives no compensation for these calls, but we welcome your donations. All classes may be recorded.

Thank you for your participation in the varied classes of The Lotus Organization and Lovestream Energetic Awakening. If you have questions about these teleconference gatherings, please contact The Lotus Organization.

If you are outside the USA, look up your country's phone number for The Lotus/Lovestream teleconferences below, then enter the access code in the above instructions:

Australia   (03) 8672 0105
Belgium    (04) 244 10 83
Georgia     0706 777 065
France      07 55 51 15 17
Germany    069 1200650760
Hungary   (1) 987 6803
Ireland    (01) 437 2298
Italy        011 092 0917
Japan     03-5050-5071
Latvia     67 881 541
Lithuania   (8-46) 268615
Netherlands   06 56251938
New Zealand   06-928 7521
Norway     21 93 06 45
Poland      32 739 96 35
Romania    031 780 7015
Russia      8 (499)371-06-83
Singapore    3138 9222
South Africa   087 825 0106
Spain    911 33 84 80
Sweden   08-124 107 12
Switzerland   044 595 90 62
Taiwan     0985 646 925
Ukraine    089 323 9965
United Kingdom  0330 606 0515

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